Study Guide for Final Exam

Module Theory Problems

Problem 1

Suppose R is a ring, M is a left R-module and N1βŠ†N2βŠ†β‹― is an ascending chain of submodules of M. Prove that the set ⋃i=1∞Ni is a submodule of M.

Problem 2

Let R be a ring, M1 and M2 be left R-modules, and A1βŠ†M1 and A2βŠ†M2 be submodules. Prove that A1βŠ•A2 is (isomorphic to) a submodule of M1βŠ•M2 and that there is an R-module isomorphism


Problem 3

Suppose R is a PID and M is an R-module annihilated by a nonzero proper ideal ⟨aβŸ©βŠ‚R. Let a=p1Ξ±1β‹―pkΞ±k be the prime factorization of a in R, and let Mi={m∈M∣piΞ±im=0} be the annihilator of piΞ±i in M. Prove that there is a direct sum R-module decomposition


The submodule Mi is called the pi-primary component of M.

Problem 4

Let A be a finite abelian group of order n>1, let p be a prime divisor of n, and let pΞ± be the largest power of p dividing n. Prove that ZpΞ±βŠ—ZA is isomorphic to the Sylow p-subgroups of A.

Problem 5

Prove there is a ring isomorphism RβŠ—ZZ[i]≃C.

Problem 6

Suppose R is an integral domain and IβŠ†R is a principal ideal. Prove that the R-module IβŠ—RI has no nonzero torsion elements.

Problem 7

Find all possible rational canonical forms of 6Γ—6 matrices over Q with characteristic polynomial c(x)=x2(x2+1)2.

Problem 8

Determine the Jordan canonical form for the nΓ—n matrix over Q whose entries are all equal to 1.

Problem 9

Prove there are no 3Γ—3 matrices A over Q of order 8.

Problem 10

Determine all similarity classes of 2Γ—2 matrices over Q of order 4.

Category Theory Problems

Problem 11

Suppose C is a category and f,g:a→b are parallel morphisms in C for which an equalizer Eq(f,g)→ea exists. Prove that the arrow e is a monomorphism in C.

Problem 12

Suppose C is a category that has pullbacks and a terminal object, t.

  1. Prove that C has all (binary) products.
  2. Prove that C has all equalizers.

Problem 13

Suppose C is a category that has all equalizers.

  1. The map that assigns to each pair of parallel arrows f,g:a→b the equalizer object Eq(f,g) is the object function of a functor to C. What is the arrow function of that functor?
  2. The equalizer functor above is right adjoint to a certain diagonal (or constant) functor from C. Describe:
    • a) the other functor;
    • b) the natural bijection of the adjunction; and
    • c) the unit and counit of the adjunction.

Problem 14

Let X={x1,x2,…} be any infinite countable set and let M=F(X) be the free Z-module (i.e., free abelian group) on X. Consider the following four set maps from X to M, where for simplicity we simply list the images of the elements of X:
Let p1,p2,i1,i2:M→M be the corresponding Z-module morphisms.

  1. Prove that the diagram below is a biproduct diagram in Ab:

  2. Why does this prove M≃MβŠ•M?

Problem 15

Suppose f:A→B is a morphism of abelian groups. Prove that the projection morphism π:B→B/im(f) is a cokernel of f.

Problem 16

Suppose the diagram below is part of a double-complex in an abelian category and is vertically exact at B; i.e., ker⁑(f)=0:

Use the Salamander Lemma to prove that β—»A≃Avert and Ahor≃Aβ—».