Graded rings

Graded rings, morphisms and ideals

Definition of graded ring

A ring S is called a graded ring if it is the direct sum of additive subgroups:


such that SiSjβŠ†Si+j for all i,jβ‰₯0.

The elements of Sk are said to be homogeneous of degree k, and Sk is called the homogeneous component of S of degree k.

Definition of morphism of graded rings

Suppose S and T are graded rings. A graded ring morphism is a ring morphism Ο•:Sβ†’S that respects the graded structures; i.e., satisfies Ο•(Sk)βŠ†Tk for all kβ‰₯0.

Definition of graded ideal

Suppose S is a graded ring. A graded ideal of S is an ideal I of S such that



  1. The prototypical example of a graded ring is R[x1,…,xn], the polynomial ring in n variables over the commutative ring R. Here S0=R corresponds to the constant polynomials, while Sk corresponds to the subgroup of all R-linear combinations of monomials of total degree k.