We've seen how the notion of a ring acting on an abelian group leads to the structure of a module. Can a ring act on another ring? Or, to phrase the question a bit differently, if a ring acts on a module , is it possible for to have a second operation that's both compatible with the given -action and makes into a ring? These two questions lead to the following two equivalent definitions of a structure known as an algebra.
Definition of an algebra (via modules)
Let be a commutative ring (with unity). An -algebra is an -module that is also equipped with a multiplication that makes into a ring (with unity), with the following compatibility property between the -action and the multiplication in :
for all and .
Definition of an algebra (via rings)
Let be a commutative ring (with unity). An -algebra is a ring (with unity) together with a ring morphism[1] whose image is contained in the center of .
Let's quickly verify these two definitions are actually equivalent. First suppose is an -algebra in the first sense. For the sake of this analysis, let's use a to denote the action of an element on an element , and reserve a (or no notation at all) for a product of elements in . Then is a ring (with unity) and we can consider the map defined by . We claim this is a ring morphism whose image is in the center of . First note we certainly have , since part of the assumption of the -action on the module is that the identity element acts as the identity on . Next note that properties of the -action on the module guarantee that
Finally, observe that
So, our map really is a ring morphism. Moreover, for every the compatibility condition guarantees that for every we have
Thus, is in the center of .
Conversely, suppose is a ring morphism whose image is contained in the center of . Then is an abelian group (under its additive operation) and we can define a set map by . We claim this defines a left action of on . First note that
We also have
So, we have indeed defined a left action of on , giving the structure of an -module. We also have
and also (since the image of is in the center of )
Associative? Unital?
We assume rings have unity, which means we're assuming every algebra also has unity. There is an alternative definition without that assumption, which one would call a non-unital algebra.
There is also an alternative definition that results in a very similar structure to an algebra, with the notable exception that the multiplication in is not (assumed to be) associative. Such a structure (when the multiplication is not associative) is called a non-associative algebra.
We will not worry about these slightly more general structures.
Every ring (with unity) is a -algebra. For each ring with unity,there is a unique ring morphism , and the image of that ring morphism is always contained in the center of .
If is a commutative ring (with unity), then is itself an -algebra. More generally, if is a ring (with unity) and is a subring of the center of , then is an -algebra.
The ring of matrices with entries in a commutative ring is an -algebra. The ring morphism sends each ring element to , the diagonal matrix with on the diagonal.
More generally, if is an -module then the endomorphism ring is an -algebra.
The field of complex numbers is a commutative -algebra, with the usual inclusion map.
The quaternions is an -algebra but not a -algebra (as the complex numbers are not in the center of the quaternions).
The polynomial ring is the free commutative -algebra on the set .
Much like a ring is a monoid object in the category of abelian groups, an -algebra is a monoid object in the category of -modules.
Morphisms of algebras
As might be expected, morphisms of -algebras should be maps that respect "the algebraic structures." From the ring-centeric definition, that would mean:
Definition of an algebra morphism (via rings)
Suppose and are two -algebras. An -algebra morphism from to is a ring morphism such that for every and .
In other words, if and are the ring morphisms giving and their -actions, then we should have a commutative diagram