...good general theory does not search for the maximum generality, but for the right generality.
Have you ever wondered what's so "free" about free groups? Or why the free abelian group on a set is not the same as the free group on the set ? Have you ever wondered what some constructions (such as these "free" constructions) commute with certain constructions (like forming direct sums) but not others (like forming direct products)?
Or perhaps you've wondered if objects in different categories can have maps to each other. Sadly, they cannot. But they can try the next best thing. Imagine for a moment, two categories and and objects and . Officially, the two objects are separated by an impossible gulf:
If there are no functors between and , then the objects and truly will never see each other. They can have no interaction whatsoever. The story ends.
But suppose there were functors connecting the two categories. We can think of these as transit lines, able to convey data (objects and arrows) from one category to the other.
Suddenly it is possible for the two objects to interact. We just need to send one of the objects into the other category. Of course, we have two options. We can either send into using ; or we can send into using .
And now we have two different sets of maps we can consider. We can consider the maps between and in ; or we can consider the maps between and in :
For a random pair of functors and , we have no reason to expect any nice relationship between these sets of arrows. As in the visual example above, there might be more arrows on one side of this picture than the other. So let's consider some special cases.
Special Case 1: Isomorphisms of categories
Let's first consider the case in which and are mutual inverses. In other words, suppose and . In this case we say both and are isomorphisms and the categories and are isomorphic.
Is this case interesting? Not really. An isomorphism of categories means a bijection on both objects and arrows. For all intents and purposes, the categories and are identical. Are question about arrows between and is then just a question about arrows between two objects in the same category.
Special Case 2: Equivalences of categories
With natural transformations at our disposal, it makes sense to relax the requirement that the compositions and exactly equal the respective identity functors, and replace it with the weaker condition that the compositions are naturally isomorphic to the respective identity functors. In other words, let's assume there are natural isomorphisms and . This means that for every we have an natural isomorphism in , and similarly for every a natural isomorphism in . In this case, the functors and are said to be naturally isomorphic and the categories and are said to be equivalent.
When people talk about equivalent categories, this is what they mean. For our purposes, though, this is still too strong of a condition on our functors. Equivalent categories are "basically" the same, and we want to allow for functors between categories that are "very different."
Special Case 3: Adjunction of categories
Suppose we stick to our original idea, and ask for pairs of functors for which arrows in are in natural bijection with arrows in :
Inverse functors and isomorphic functors certainly satisfy this condition, but potentially many other pairs of functors, too. Following this thread leads to the notion of an adjunction of categories.
Adjunction of categories
There a several equivalent definitions, but we'll give the one that most resembles the situations we've seen:
Definition of an adjunction
Suppose and are categories. An adjunction from to is a triple where and are functors in opposite directions between categories and
and is a function that assigns to every pair of objects , a natural bijection
We call the pair of functors and adjoint pair. The functor is said to be a left adjoint for , while is called a right adjoint for .
We should immediately note that the adjunction requires all three pieces of information: the functor , the functor , and the natural bijections in between the hom-sets (shown above). In particular, the natural bijections in are not implicit in the functors and .
The naturality condition
The statement that is natural has a formal meaning. Let's first consider "naturality in ." Suppose is an arrow in . The functor then yields an arrow in . For each arrow in , pre-composition with yields and arrow in . Similarly, for each arrow , pre-composition with yields an arrow in . Naturality in is then the requirement that the diagram below commutes:
Similarly, naturality in is the requirement that for every arrow in , the diagram below commutes:
In short, the bijections in should be compatible with arrow composition.
The description of an adjunction can be rephrased in an equivalent way in which becomes a bona fide natural isomorphism between two functors.
We will see a plethora of examples (below), but first a few additional notes are in order.
Units and counits
There is a lot of additional information that can be extracted from an adjunction, and some of that information is equivalent to the adjunction itself. Here we list some of that data.
If we set in the natural bijection of the adjunction, then the left-hand hom-set is the set . This set contains one identifiable arrow, namely the identity arrow . Let denote its image under . This arrow is a universal arrow from to , and the function defines a natural transformation from the identity functor to :
We call the unit of the adjunction. This situation is visualized below:
This unit is the weakening of the natural isomorphism in Case 2, above.
A warning about the unit
The image above might suggest that is simply , but this is not the case. By functoriality we always have , i.e., it's simply the identity arrow on . On the other hand, the unit is an arrow , and as we'll see in our examples below, it is often very far from an identity arrow.
Similarly, if we set in the natural bijection above, then the right-hand hom-set contains the identity arrow . Let denote its preimage under . This arrow is a universal arrow from to , and the function defines a natural transformation from to the identity functor :
We call the counit of the adjunction. This dual situation is visualized below:
Moreover, the unit and counits satisfy two "triangular" identities, namely the commutative triangles of natural transformations below:
What should you take away from these triangles? Not much. Only that these identities give specific natural isomorphisms of and . In other words, after each round trip, nothing new really happens. Doing , then , then again is "essentially the same" as just doing . So while the functors and are (probably) not mutual inverses, they're the next closest thing.
In any case, it turns out that an adjunction between and can be given equivalently by the data of the two functors and , together with the unit and the counit (satisfying those triangle identities). See page 82 in Mac Lane for details.