Tensor Products I - Extending scalars

Extension of scalars

Suppose N is an S-module and RβŠ†S is a subring. By restricting the action of S on N to an action of R on N, we can view N as an R-module. You can verify this gives N the structure of an R-module and in fact is the object function of a forgetful functor S-Modβ†’R-Mod. Historically, this process was called the restriction of scalars from S to R.

In light of the above process, one might ask the following:


Is it possible to go the other way? In other words, if M is an R-module and R is a subring of S, is it possible to extend the action of R on M to an action of S on M?

Categorically speaking, we're asking for a functor R-Mod→S-Mod that "nicely complements" the forgetful functor above, where "nicely complements" is momentarily ambiguous and ill defined.

Taking our question at its most naive hope (to put an S-action directly on M), the answer is sadly a negative.

Frustrating example

Consider the ring Z when viewed as a Z-module (i.e., an abelian group). Even though Z is a subring of Q, we cannot extend the Z-module structure on Z to a Q-module structure. Why not? Suppose we would, and consider the action of 12 on the integer 1. There would need to be an integer z such that 12⋆1=z. Since our Q-action is supposed to extend our Z-action, it would follow that 2z=1 in Z, where here 2z denotes the usual[1] Z-action, i.e., 2z=z+z. Since there is no integer z such that z+z=1, we reach a contradiction.

If we can't expect to extend the R-action on M to an S-action on M, what's the next best thing we could hope? Perhaps we can embed the original R-module M as an R-submodule of a larger R-module N that also has the structure of an S-module (extending the action of R).

Sadly this is also not always possible.

Second frustrating example

Suppose M is the Z-module Z2, N is a Q-module, and f:M→U(N) is a Z-module morphism, where U:Q-Mod→Z-Mod is the forgetful functor. Then N is a Q-vector space, so every nonzero element in N has infinite additive order. Since both elements in M have finite order, this implies their images in N must be zero. In other words, every Z-module morphism from M to U(N) must be the zero map, and so there cannot be any embeddings of M into a Q-module.

Category theory insight

In light of the second example, let's widen our scope further and instead consider all R-module morphisms f:M→U(N), where N is an S-module. Can we find a "best possible" S-module through which all R-module morphisms from M factor? Based on our work with free modules, it sounds reasonable to consider the existence of a functor T:R-Mod→S-Mod that is left adjoint to U; i.e., for which there are natural bijections


This looks very similar to our universal property of the free module, so it is perhaps no surprise that the construction of the mystery module T(M) is very similar to that of the free module.

Before we move on to the actual construction, it's worthwhile to consider the choice we've made above, which is that we're specifically looking for a functor T:R-Mod→S-Mod that is left adjoint to the forgetful functor U (the so-called "restriction of scalars" functor). What about a functor that is right adjoint to U? It turns out such a functor also exists, and it is sometimes called the co-extension of scalars.

The construction of T(M)

Given our R-module M and the fact that we have an inclusion of rings RβŠ†S, our first step towards extending the R-action on M is to look at the free Z-module on the set SΓ—M.[2] In this abelian group F(SΓ—M) we then want to impose relations so that the quotient of this abelian group by the subgroup generated by those relations has the structure of an S-module in which the S-action extends the R-action on M. To that end, let H be the subgroup of F(SΓ—M) generated by all elements of the following form:

Note that we are using the natural identification of the set SΓ—M with a subset of F(SΓ—M).

A small but important note

Although the free Z-module F(SΓ—M) is constructed from the sets of elements of S and M without knowledge of the algebraic structure (i.e., their internal operations), the subgroup H defined above does use the information about their algebraic structures. The first bullet point uses the additive structure in M, the second uses the additive structure in S, and the third uses both the right R-module structure of S and the left R-module structure of M.

We denote the resulting quotient group by SβŠ—RM and call it the tensor product of S and M over R.

It is common to let sβŠ—m denote the coset containing (s,m) in the quotient group SβŠ—RM. Using this notation, every element in SβŠ—RM can be written (non-uniquely!) as a finite sum of the form βˆ‘isiβŠ—mi. Elements that can be written simply as sβŠ—m are called simple tensors (or sometimes pure tensors).

In this new notation, our construction of SβŠ—RM has forced the relations

The S-module structure on SβŠ—RM

We have constructed the abelian group SβŠ—RM to have an obvious S-action:


As with any action (or function) defined on a quotient group by a formula using a choice of coset representative, we should check that this action is well defined. In other words, we should really verify that for each s∈S the map fs:F(SΓ—M)β†’SβŠ—RF defined by


is a morphism of abelian groups with H≀ker⁑(f). We'll leave the details for now and instead move on to various properties of the S-module SβŠ—RM we have created.

Properties of our construction

There is a (natural) R-module morphism Ξ·M:Mβ†’U(SβŠ—RM) defined by m↦1SβŠ—m, where U is the forgetful functor from S-Mod to R-Mod. (These morphisms are exactly the components of the unit map Ξ·:IR-Modβ†’UT, where T=SβŠ—Rβˆ’ is our tensor product functor.) Since our tensor product involved taking a quotient group, it should not be expected that this morphism is injective. However, the module we created does possess the desired universal property, in that there are natural bijections


We'll add the details of this argument later, but for now we'll simply note that the construction follows from a universal property of the free Z-module on SΓ—M, a universal property of quotient groups, and the fact that our subgroup H of desired relations automatically is in the kernel of any module morphism to an S-module.

Here is a nice corollary of our universal property:


Let Ξ·M:Mβ†’U(SβŠ—RM) be the R-module morphism defined above. Then M/ker⁑(Ξ·M) is the maximal quotient of M that can be embedded into an S-module.

Why is this true? First observe that by the First Isomorphism Theorem the quotient M/ker⁑(Ξ·M) is isomorphic to the image of Ξ·M, which is an R-submodule of U(SβŠ—RM). Now suppose N is an S-module and f:Mβ†’U(N) is an R-module morphism (and so M/ker⁑(f) is isomorphic to a submodule of N). By our universal property of the tensor product, we have a corresponding S-module morphism g:SβŠ—RMβ†’N; the natural bijection on the hom-sets also tells us that f factors through U(g) via Ξ·M, i.e., we have a commutative diagram

This implies that ker⁑(Ξ·M)βŠ†ker⁑(f) as submodules of M, so by the Isomorphism Theorems for Modules we have that N/ker⁑(f) is a quotient of N/ker⁑(Ξ·M) (by the submodule ker⁑(f)/ker⁑(Ξ·M), specifically).

Here is a general little property of our construction:


Suppose M is an R-module and R is a subring of a ring S. Then 1RβŠ—0m=0 in SβŠ—RM, where 0 is the additive identity of the S-module SβŠ—RM.

The proof is very short. Simply observe that


The result then follows by additive cancellation in the S-module SβŠ—RM.


Trivial extensions

Suppose M is an R-module. Considering the "trivial" extension RβŠ†R, we have constructed an R-module RβŠ—RM extending the R-action on M to ... an R-action on M. It should not be surprising that we have a natural R-module isomorphism RβŠ—RM≃M. We can verify this directly on the level of elements[3], but we can also observe that it follows directly from our universal property of RβŠ—RM, namely that it is the unique R-module (up to unique isomorphism) such that HomR-Mod(RβŠ—RM,N)≃HomR-Mod(M,U(N)) for every R-module N. In this instance, the "forgetful" functor U is the identity functor, so that last set is HomR-Mod(M,N). But this exactly says that M itself is an R-module with the desired universal property! Thus, M and RβŠ—RM are isomorphic (through a unique R-module isomorphism).

For example, for every abelian group A we have a (unique) isomorphism ZβŠ—ZA≃A of abelian groups. Similarly, if V is any F-vector space then FβŠ—FV is isomorphic to V as an F-vector space.

Field extensions

Suppose FβŠ†E are fields. We can view E as an F-vector space (by remembering the F-scaling but forgetting the result of the internal multiplication in E), and then we can attempt to "extend scalars" to recover this lost information, by forming the E-vector space EβŠ—FE.

If this looks weird, it's because we're hiding a forgetful functor, namely the forgetful functor U:VecEβ†’VecF. With this is mind, we're really comparing EβŠ—FU(E) with E. This will, in general, not recover the original field E; instead, we will see (once we learn that tensor product commutes with direct sum) that EβŠ—FU(E)≃En, where n is the dimension of E as an F-vector space.

Extending Z-actions to Q-actions for finite abelian groups

Suppose A is a finite abelian group, i.e., a finite Z-module. We claim that the Q-module QβŠ—ZA is always trivial. To see this, let n=|A| and suppose first we have a simple tensor qβŠ—a in QβŠ—ZA. Then observe that


By linearity it follows that every element of QβŠ—ZA is 0, and hence QβŠ—ZA=0.

Extending scalars for free modules

We will see shortly that the tensor product construction commutes with coproducts, a consequence of which will be that the tensor product of a direct sum is (isomorphic to) the direct sum of the tensor products. In the case of free modules, this yields a nice result.

Tensor product of free modules

Suppose R is a subring of S and