Exterior algebras


Suppose V is an n-dimensional F-vector space and B={v1,…,vn} is basis for V. Since V is the free F-module on the set {v1,…,vn}, each linear transformation T:Vβ†’V corresponds to a unique choice of vectors w1,…,wn∈V, namely the images of each of the basis vectors vi. Moreover, the determinant is a function that assigns to T a single value det(T)∈F. With the basis B fixed, this determinant can be viewed as a function


that assigns to each n-tuple (w1,…,wn) the determinant of the corresponding linear transformation.

This determinant function is characterized by two nice properties:

One immediate consequence of the first property is that if wi=wj for any distinct i,j then the determinant of that n-tuple is zero. Combined with the second property, it follows that the determinant of an n-tuple (w1,…,wn) is zero whenever the vectors are linearly dependent.

This alternating multilinear function seems like something very close to the tensor algebra or symmetric algebra construction. Let's begin by looking for an analogue of the tensor algebra for which we have the additional property that mβ‹…m=0 for all m∈M.

The construction

Definition of exterior algebra

Let R be a commutative ring (with unity) and M be an R-module. The exterior algebra of M is the R-algebra obtained by taking the quotient of the tensor algebra T(M) by the ideal A(M) generated by all elements of the form mβŠ—m for m∈M. The exterior algebra T(M)/A(M) is denoted β‹€(M) and the image of m1βŠ—m2βŠ—β‹―βŠ—mk in β‹€(M) is denoted m1∧m2βˆ§β‹―βˆ§mk.

As with the symmetric algebra, the ideal A(M) is generated by homogenous elements and hence is a graded ideal. It follows that β‹€(M) is a graded ring and the homogeneous component of degree k is


This R-module is called the kth exterior power of M. Note that since A(M) is generated (as an ideal) by degree 2 homogenous elements, we have A0(M)=A1(M)=0 and hence have β‹€0(M)=R and β‹€1(M)=M.

The alternating property

The multiplication in β‹€(M) is given by


This is called the wedge (or exterior) product.

This multiplication is alternating in the following sense. By construction, we have m1βˆ§β‹―βˆ§mk=0 in β‹€k(M) whenever mi=mi+1 for any i. We claim that we then have anticommutativity for simple wedges; i.e., for every m,mβ€²βˆˆM we have


To see this, observe that by construction we have


Expanding out the left-hand side gives


The first and last wedges are zero by construction. The claim thus follows.


This anticommutativity does not extend to arbitrary products. For example,


So m and n1∧n2 commute.

The universal property of the exterior algebra

As with the tensor algebra and symmetric algebra functors, there is a functor from the category of R-modules to the category of those R-algebras A with the property a2=0 for all a∈A.

(Primary) Universal property of the symmetric algebra

Let U:Cβ†’Rβˆ’Mod be the usual forgetful functor and let (Rβˆ’Alg)0 be the category of R-algebras A with the property that a2=0A for every a∈A. Then there is a functor β‹€:Rβˆ’Modβ†’(Rβˆ’Alg)0 and a natural bijection



  1. Suppose V is an n-dimensional vector space over a field F with basis {v1,…,vn}. When 0≀k≀n, the set of vectors


    is a basis for β‹€k(V). When k>n the R-module β‹€k(V) is trivial.

    This same statement is true more generally when R is a commutative ring and M is a free R-module of rank n.

  1. Continuing the previous example, suppose Ο•:Vβ†’V is any linear endomorphism of V. For every k we then have an F-linear transformationβ‹€k(Ο•):β‹€k(V)β†’β‹€k(V).When k=n, the F-vector space β‹€n(V) is one-dimensional with basis vector v1∧v2βˆ§β‹―βˆ§vn andβ‹€n(Ο•)(v1βˆ§β‹―βˆ§vn)=Ο•(v1)βˆ§β‹―Ο•(vn)=D(Ο•)β‹…(v1βˆ§β‹―vn)for some scalar D(Ο•)∈F. One can verify that this function D satisfies the three axioms for a determinant function and hence D(Ο•)=det(Ο•).