Homework 1

Problem 1

Suppose R is a ring, M is a left R-module, and r∈R is an element for which there exists a nonzero m∈M such that rm=0. Prove r does not have a left inverse.

Problem 2

Suppose R is a ring, IβŠ†R is a left ideal, and M is a left R-module. Let IMβŠ†M denote the subset of all finite I-linear combinations in M, i.e., IM={βˆ‘finiteikmk∣ik∈I,mk∈M}. Prove IM is a submodule of M.

Problem 3

Suppose R is a ring and M is a left R-module. An element m∈M is called a torsion element if rm=0 for some nonzero r∈R. The set of torsion elements in M is denoted Tor(M).

  1. Prove that if R is an integral domain then Tor(M) is a submodule of M.
  2. Give an example of a ring R and R-module M such that Tor(M) is not a submodule. (Hint: Consider torsion elements in the R-module R for some specific ring R.)
  3. Suppose R has a (nonzero) zero divisor and M is nontrivial. Prove that M has nonzero torsion elements.
  4. Suppose Ο•:Mβ†’N is an R-module morphism. Prove that Ο•(Tor(M))βŠ†Tor(N).

Problem 4

Suppose R is a ring and M is a left R-module.

  1. For each submodule N on M, the annihilator of N in R is defined to be the set of elements r∈R such that rn=0 for all n∈N. Prove that the annihilator of N in R is a 2-sided ideal of R.
  2. For each right ideal I of R, the annihilator of I in M is defined to be the set of all elements m∈M such that im=0 for all i∈I. Prove that the annihilator of I in M is a submodule of M.
  3. Consider the Z-module M=Z24Γ—Z15Γ—Z50 and ideal I=2Z. Determine the annihilator of M in Z and the annihilator of I in M.

Problem 5

Give an example of a ring R, two R-modules M and N, and a set map f:M→N such that f is a group morphism but not an R-module morphism.

Problem 6

Suppose R is a commutative ring and M is left R-module. Prove that HomR(R,M) and M are isomorphic as left R-modules.

Bonus challenge: Is your isomorphism natural in M?