Homework 7
Problem 1
- Suppose that
has rank and is a maximal linearly independent set of elements in . Let be the submodule generated by . Prove that and is a torsion -module. - Conversely, prove that if
contains a submodule that is free of rank such that the quotient is a torsion -module, then has rank .
- Show that for any
there is a nonzero such that for some . - Let
be a set of elements of . Find some nonzero so that can be written using a basis for . Then show the (and hence ) are linearly dependent.
be a fixed set with elements and define an -module morphism by . The image of is exactly the submodule and the kernel of is the set of all formal sums such that . Since the set is -linearly independent, it follows that and so by the First Isomorphism Theorem for modules . This proves .We next prove
is torsion. Take any element in . The set of elements must then be linearly dependent, so there are some (not all zero) such thatWe cannot have
, since the above relation would then yield a nontrivial relation on the set . So we must have . But now notice that , soThus, the element
is torsion in . -
First notice that since
contains a submodule of rank , the rank of must be at least . (Any independent set of elements in is also an independent set of elements in .) So we only need to prove does not have an independent subsets consisting of more than elements. To that end, suppose is any set of elements of . Since is torsion, for each the coset is torsion in . This implies there is some nonzero with ; i.e., . But then we have a set of elements in the module (which has rank ), so this set must be -linearly dependent. This implies there are (not all zero) such thatSince
, the above equality gives the relationEvery
is nonzero and at least one is nonzero, so (since is a domain) the elements are not all zero. Thus, the above relation implies the set is -linearly dependent. We've proven that does not contain any linearly independent sets with more than elements, and hence the rank of is no more than . By our earlier remarks, this proves the rank of is exactly .
Problem 2
The above equation is equivalent to the equality
By the definition of
This is last equality is equivalent to the pair of equalities
Since the sets
Since the sets
and so
By our work above, we can now conclude that the rank of
Problem 3
(You may assume
For part (2), let
To see this, note that if
In the quotient module
Our earlier relation then gives the relation
Since the set
Since the set
To prove the rank
Note that
If we add this element to the set
Once again, the coefficient
If we let
Problem 4
- Show that if
is a nonzero torsion element in , then the set is -linearly dependent. Conclude that the rank of is 0. - Show that the rank of
is the same as the rank of the quotient .
is a nonzero torsion element, so for some nonzero . The equation implies (by definition!) that the set is -linearly dependent. Also note that , so even the set is -linearly dependent.Now suppose
is any nonempty of . If , then is -linearly dependent. If contains any nonzero element , then is a nonzero torsion element so by the above argument the set is -linearly dependent and hence so is .It follows that the only
-linearly independent subset of is the empty set, and hence the rank of is 0. -
For a quick solution, we can use the relation between ranks and quotients. In this case, the submodule
is a submodule of rank 0 (by above), so rank of is equal to the rank of .We can also give a standalone proof. First suppose
is any -linearly independent subset of . We claim that the image of this set is an -linearly independent subset of . To see this, suppose we have a relationBy the definition of coset operations, the coset on the left is represented by
, and this element represents the zero coset in exactly when . This implies there is some nonzero such thatwhich in turn implies
Since the set
is -linearly independent, the above equality implies for every . Since is nonzero and is an integral domain, this implies for every . We've therefore proven the set is an -linearly independent subset of . This proves that the rank of is at least as large as the rank of .Conversely, suppose
is an -linearly independent set in . Suppose there is an -linear relation among the elements in , i.e., there are such thatSince
, we then have the coset equalityi.e.,
. Since the set is -linearly independent, the above equality implies every . Thus, the set is also -linearly independent in . This proves that the rank of is at least as large as the rank of .We've therefore proven
and have the same rank.
Problem 5
To show that the rank of
First note that
Next observe that for any pair of nonzero elements
Finally, we claim
Problem 6
The ideal
First recall that
contradicting the assumption that