
This following is a very brief summary of what happened in class on Halloween!

We investigated the exactness of the functor HomR(M,βˆ’):R-Modβ†’Ab. We proved that for every short exact sequence in R-Mod


we have an exact sequence of abelian groups


Because of the above property, we say the functor HomR(M,βˆ’) is left exact.

We then asked some follow-up questions, the first being whether there are R-modules M for which the functor HomR(,Mβˆ’) is exact, i.e., retains exactness on the right. We rephrased such a property in terms of diagrams, with the short version being right exactness of this functor would be equivalent to "morphisms from M pulling back along surjections." We called such modules projective.

We ended with an unproven (by us) fact about projective modules.

Next time we'll repeat this analysis with the hom-in functor HomR(βˆ’,N) and a tensor product functor MβŠ—Rβˆ’. For now, keep it spooky!

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