Special morphisms


Definition of monomorphism

A morphism f:X→Y in a category C is called a monomorphism (or monic) if it is left cancellable; i.e., if for every pair of morphisms g1,g2:W→X with fg1=fg2 one has g1=g2.

Equivalently, a morphism f:Xβ†’Y is a monomorphism if and only if the induced set map fβˆ˜βˆ’:HomC(Z,X)β†’HomC(Z,Y) is injective for every object Z in C. This is equivalent to the natural transformation Hf:HomC(βˆ’,X)β‡’HomC(βˆ’,Y) being a monomorphism in the functor category SetC.


In a concrete category, every morphism whose underlying set map is injective is a monomorphism. In most concrete categories (but not all) the converse is also true. For example, in the category Div of divisible abelian groups there are non-injective monomorphisms. Such examples seem rare, however.

Properties of monomorphisms


Definition of epimorphism

A morphism f:X→Y in a category C is called an epimorphism (or epi) if it is right cancellable; i.e., if for every pair of morphisms g1,g2:Y→Z with g1f=g2f one has g1=g2.

Equivalently, a morphism f:Xβ†’Y is an epimorphism if and only if the induced map βˆ’βˆ˜f:HomC(Y,Z)β†’HomC(X,Z) is injective for every object Z in C. This is equivalent to the natural transformation Hf:HomC(Y,βˆ’)β‡’HomC(X,βˆ’) being a monomorphism in the functor category SetC.


In a concrete category, every morphism whose underlying set map is surjective is an epimorphism. In some concrete categories (but not all!) the converse is also true. For example, in the following categories the epimorphisms are exactly those morphisms whose underlying set maps are surjective:

It is a common mistake to believe that epimorphisms are either identical to surjections or that they are a better concept. Unfortunately this is rarely the case; epimorphisms can be very mysterious and have unexpected behavior. It is very difficult, for example, to classify all the epimorphisms of rings. In general, epimorphisms are their own unique concept, related to surjections but fundamentally different.

Properties of epimorphisms

Bimorphisms and isomorphisms

Definition of bimorphism and isomorphism

A morphism f:X→Y is called:

  • a bimorphism if is is both a monomorphism and an epimorphism;
  • an isomorphism if there is a morphism g:Yβ†’X such that gf=1X and fg=1Y. When such a morphism g exists it is unique and is called the inverse of f.

Every isomorphism is a bimorphism, but the converse is not true in all categories. For example, in the category CRing of commutative rings the inclusion Z→Q is actually a bimorphism, even though it is not an isomorphism.

Categories in which all bimorphisms are isomorphisms are sometimes called balanced categories.