The Salamander Lemma

For each piece of the double complex of the form

we obtain the following salamander-shaped diagram of mural maps:

The Salamander Lemma

If a diagram

is part of a double complex in an abelian category, then there is a 6-term exact sequence


where the first morphism is the composition A◻→◻B→Bhor and the last morphism is the composition Chor→C◻→◻D.

Similarly, if a diagram

is part of a double complex in an abelian category, then there is a 6-term exact sequence


where the first morphism is the composition A◻→◻B→Bvert and the last morphism is the composition Cvert→C◻→◻D.

I'll include the proof of this at some point, but for now see here and notice how it's not very long.

Intramural and extramural isomorphisms

Extramural isomorphisms

If for some horizontal arrow βˆ‚hor:Aβ†’B in the double complex one has Ahor=0=Bhor, then the extramural map Aβ—»β†—β—»B is an isomorphism.

Similarly, if for some vertical arrow βˆ‚vert:Aβ†’B in the double complex one has Avert=0=Bvert, then the extramural map


is an isomorphism.

(A proof will be added here eventually.)

Intramural isomorphisms

If βˆ‚:Aβ†’B is a morphism in a double complex and at one end of that morphism the complex is exact in the perpendicular direction, then two of the intramural maps are isomorphisms (as shown below; I'll TeX up this massive diagram eventually):

(A proof will be added here eventually.)