Suppose is an abelian category. We have noted that the category, , of chain complexes in is also an abelian category, and so it makes sense to consider complexes in .
Definition of double complex
Let be an abelian category. A double complex in is a chain complex in . In other words, it is a commutative diagram of the form
in which every row and every column is a chain complex; i.e., and for all .
This is a situation in which it will be very tempting to write simply and when there is no worry of confusion.
Mural maps
Suppose we focus on one object in a double complex, say in the above notation. Looking at the four commutative squares that share as a vertex we see six objects that have maps to/from the object :
For notational simplicity, we are going to drop all subscripts and use more human-readable notation, as below:
The morphisms labeled and are the compositions of the evident morphisms in the top-left and bottom-right squares, respectively. As a final notational simplification, let us for the moment simply write for the object and focus exclusively on the six morphisms to (and from) in the above diagram:
We have already defined two homology objects at , namely the "vertical" and "horizontal" homology objects. In terms of our current notation, these are the quotients
For notational simplicity, in this context these two objects are sometimes denoted and , respectively.
We now define two additional quotient objects that relate these two homology objects. These new objects are very close to a "diagonal homology" that one could define using diagonal maps above.
First notice that is contained in both and , by the commutativity of the top-left square (shown two diagrams above). It thus makes sense to consider the quotient of by .
Similarly, by the commutativity of the bottom-right square both and are contained in , and hence so is the sum of those two subobjects. So, it makes sense to consider the quotient of by .
Definition of receptor and donor objects
With the above notation, the receptor at is the quotient object
The donor at is the quotient object
These four quotient objects (the two homology objects and these two new objects) are closely related:
The intramural maps
Continuing the above notation, the identity morphisms (on coset representatives) induce the following commutative diagram in :
These morphisms are called the intramural maps of .
The name "intramural" is meant to indicate that the above morphisms are between objects that all arise from (quotients of subobjects of) , a single object in the double complex. This is in contrast with the "extramural" maps below, which are between (quotients of subobjects of) different objects in the double complex.
The extramural maps
Each morphism in the double complex (horizontal or vertical) induces a morphism from the donor at to the receptor at . Each such morphism is called the extramural map associated to .
These extramural maps are meant to justify the names "donor" and "receptor". As with the intramural maps, these are not mysterious morphisms. For the sake of concreteness, suppose is a horizontal morphism in the double complex. Each element of the donor is a coset of represented by an element of ; in other words, it is represented by an element such that . The extramural map is the map that sends the coset represented by to the coset represented by . The proof of the above fact is the verification that this map is well defined and does indeed map to the receptor . (We'll omit that proof for now, but it's not long.)
Before moving on, we note that these mural maps are closely related to induced maps on homology:
Mural maps and homology maps
For any horizontal morphism in the double complex, the induced morphism on homology is the composition of mural maps
The analogous statement is true for each vertical morphism.
Diagram chasing
It will soon be useful to employ a new notation for the induced extramural maps. For a horizontal morphism , we will notate the induced extramural map as
For a vertical morphism , we will notate the induced extramural map as
This notation makes it visually clear that in every double complex the extramural maps form long diagonal zigzags between donors and receptors:
At the very ends of any such diagonal, we can use the intramural maps to relate the initial donor to the horizontal (or vertical) homology at that donor object, and the final receptor to the horizontal (or vertical) homology at that receptor. In the example, below we have colored the intramural maps blue to help them stand out:
At this first glance this might not look incredibly useful, since the morphisms can't be chained together. However, if there were additional assumptions that guaranteed the some/all mural maps were isomorphisms, then the zig-zag of mural maps could be chained together to produce a morphism from one homology object to another.