
We've seen how the notion of a ring acting on an abelian group leads to the structure of a module. Can a ring act on another ring? Or, to phrase the question a bit differently, if a ring R acts on a module M, is it possible for M to have a second operation that's both compatible with the given R-action and makes M into a ring? These two questions lead to the following two equivalent definitions of a structure known as an algebra.

Rings have unity

Recall our standing assumption on rings, namely that all rings have a multiplicative identity ("unity") and that ring morphisms send unities to unities. In other words, our rings are always drawn from the category Ring, of rings with unity together with unity-preserving ring morphisms.

Definition of an algebra (via modules)

Let R be a commutative ring. An R-algebra is an R-module A that is also equipped with a multiplication that makes A into a ring, with the following compatibility property between the R-action and the multiplication in A:


for all rR and a1,a2A.

Definition of an algebra (via rings)

Let R be a commutative ring. An R-algebra is a ring A together with a ring morphism f:RA whose image is contained in the center of A.

Let's quickly verify these two definitions are actually equivalent. First suppose A is an R-algebra in the first sense. For the sake of this analysis, let's use a to denote the action of an element rR on an element aA, and reserve a (or no notation at all) for a product of elements in A. Then A is a ring (with unity) and we can consider the map f:RA defined by rr1A. We claim this is a ring morphism whose image is in the center of A. First note we certainly have f(1R)=1R1A=1A, since part of the assumption of the R-action on the module A is that the identity element 1R acts as the identity on
A. Next note that properties of the R-action on the module A guarantee that


Finally, observe that

f(rr)=(rr)1A=r(r1A)(by the properties of the R-action on the module A)=rf(r)=r(1Af(r))=(r1A)f(r)(by compatibility of the R-action with the product in A)=f(r)f(r).

So, our map f:RA really is a ring morphism. Moreover, for every rR the compatibility condition guarantees that for every aA we have


Thus, f(r) is in the center of A.

Conversely, suppose f:RA is a ring morphism whose image is contained in the center of A. Then A is an abelian group (under its additive operation) and we can define a set map :R×AA by ra=f(r)a. We claim this defines a left action of R on A. First note that




We also have




So, we have indeed defined a left action of R on A, giving A the structure of an R-module. We also have


and also (since the image of f is in the center of A)

Associative? Unital?

We assume rings have unity, which means we're assuming every algebra also has unity. There is an alternative definition without that assumption, which one would call a non-unital algebra.

There is also an alternative definition that results in a very similar structure to an algebra, with the notable exception that the multiplication in A is not (assumed to be) associative. When the multiplication is not associative such a structure is called a non-associative algebra.

We will not worry about these slightly more general structures.


  1. Every ring is a Z-algebra. For each ring A, there is a unique ring morphism ZA and the image of that ring morphism is always contained in the center of A.
  2. If A is a commutative ring, then A is itself an A-algebra. More generally, if A is a ring and RA is a subring of the center of A, then A is an R-algebra.
  3. The ring Mn(R) of n×n matrices with entries in a commutative ring R is an R-algebra. The ring morphism f:RMn(R) sends each ring element r to rIn, the diagonal matrix with r on the diagonal.
  4. More generally, if M is an R-module then the endomorphism ring EndR(M) is an R-algebra.
  5. The field of complex numbers C is a commutative R-algebra, via the inclusion morphism RC.
  6. The quaternions H is an R-algebra but not a C-algebra, as the complex numbers are not in the center of the quaternions.
  7. The polynomial ring R[x1,,xn] is the free commutative R-algebra on the set {x1,,xn}.
  8. The tensor algebra T(M) of an R-module M is an R-algebra.
  9. The symmetric algebra S(M) and exterior algebra (M) of an R-module M are both R-algebras.

Note that in the above examples we often said things like "Every ring A is a Z-algebra ... ", which is somewhat incorrect. We should really be careful to specify the categories in which we are working, saying things like "There is a functor F:RingZ-Alg with object function sending each ring A to the Z-algebra defined by the unique ring morphism ZA." Can you figure out how to make each example above formally correct?

Morphisms of algebras

As might be expected, morphisms of R-algebras should be maps that respect "the algebraic structures." From the ring-centric definition, that would mean:

Definition of an algebra morphism (via rings)

Suppose A and B are two R-algebras. An R-algebra morphism from A to B is a ring morphism ϕ:AB such that ϕ(ra)=rϕ(a) for every rR and aA.

In other words, if f:RA and g:RB are the ring morphisms giving A and B their R-actions, then we should have a commutative diagram

Definition of algebra morphism (via modules)

Suppose A and B are two R-algebras. An R-algebra morphism from A to B is an R-module morphism ϕ:AB that is also a ring morphism of A and B as rings. In other words, it is a set map satisfying the following properties:

  1. ϕ(1A)=1B
  2. ϕ(a1+a2)=ϕ(a1)+ϕ(a2) for all a1,a2A
  3. ϕ(a1a2)=ϕ(a1)ϕ(a2) for all a1,a2A
  4. ϕ(ra)=rϕ(a) for all rR and aA.

We can now form the category R-Alg whose objects are R-algebras and morphisms are morphisms of R-algebras. Note that, by construction, we have forgetful functors both to the category Ring of rings and to the category R-Mod of R-modules:

The forgetful functor to rings is not full (i.e., surjective on hom sets): for two R-algebras A and B, there are ring morphisms ψ:U2(A)U2(B) that are not compatible with the given R-actions (and hence are not of the form U2(ϕ) for some R-algebra morphism ϕ:AB).

The same is true for the forgetful functor to R-modules, for analogous reasons.

Category theoretic interpretation

Much like a ring is a monoid object in the category of abelian groups, an R-algebra is a monoid object in the category of R-modules. Since I haven't (yet) typed up any notes on monoidal categories and monoid objects, I won't say any more here.

Suggested next notes

Tensor algebras
Symmetric algebras
Exterior algebras