Examples of extending scalars

Trivial extensions

Suppose M is an R-module. Considering the "trivial" extension RβŠ†R, we have constructed an R-module RβŠ—RM extending the R-action on M to ... an R-action on M. It should not be surprising that we have a natural R-module isomorphism RβŠ—RM≃M. We can verify this directly on the level of elements[1], but we can also observe that it follows directly from our universal property of RβŠ—RM, namely that it is the unique R-module (up to unique isomorphism) such that HomR-Mod(RβŠ—RM,N)≃HomR-Mod(M,U(N)) for every R-module N. In this instance, the "forgetful" functor U is the identity functor, so that last set is HomR-Mod(M,N). But this exactly says that M itself is an R-module with the desired universal property! Thus, M and RβŠ—RM are isomorphic (through a unique R-module isomorphism).

For example, for every abelian group A we have an isomorphism ZβŠ—ZA≃A of abelian groups. Similarly, if V is any F-vector space then FβŠ—FV is isomorphic to V as an F-vector space.

Field extensions

Suppose FβŠ†E are fields. We can view E as an F-vector space (by remembering the F-scaling but forgetting the result of the internal multiplication in E), and then we can attempt to "extend scalars" to recover this lost information, by forming the E-vector space EβŠ—FE.

If this looks weird, it's because we're hiding a forgetful functor, namely the forgetful functor U:VecEβ†’VecF. With this is mind, we're really comparing EβŠ—FU(E) with E. This will, in general, not recover the original field E; instead, we will see (once we learn that tensor product commutes with direct sum) that EβŠ—FU(E)≃En, where n is the dimension of E as an F-vector space.

A general property of this tensor construction

Here is a general little property of our construction:


Suppose M is an R-module and R is a subring of a ring S. Then 1RβŠ—0m=0 in SβŠ—RM, where 0 is the additive identity of the S-module SβŠ—RM.

The proof is very short. Simply observe that


The result then follows by additive cancellation in the S-module SβŠ—RM.

Extending Z-actions to Q-actions for finite abelian groups

Suppose A is a finite abelian group, i.e., a finite Z-module. We claim that the Q-module QβŠ—ZA is always trivial. To see this, let n=|A| and suppose first we have a simple tensor qβŠ—a in QβŠ—ZA. Then observe that


By linearity it follows that every element of QβŠ—ZA is 0, and hence QβŠ—ZA=0.

Extending scalars for free modules

We will see shortly that the tensor product construction commutes with coproducts, a consequence of which will be that the tensor product of a direct sum is the direct sum of the tensor products. In the case of free modules, this yields a nice result.

Tensor product of free modules

Suppose R is a subring of S and M is a free R-module of rank n, i.e., M≃Rn=RβŠ•RβŠ•β‹―βŠ•R. Then SβŠ—RM≃Sn.

For example, we have QβŠ—ZZn≃Qn and CβŠ—RRn≃Cn. As another class of special case, if FβŠ†E is a field extension and V is an F-vector space of dimension n, then V≃Fn as F-vector spaces and EβŠ—FV≃En as E-vector spaces.

Suggested next notes

Tensor Products II - Tensor products of bimodules

  1. First show that every element in RβŠ—RM can be expressed as simple tensor of the form 1RβŠ—m for some m∈M, then define a map by 1RβŠ—m↦m. You then need to verify this map is well defined (since tensors are really cosets!) and is an R-module isomorphism, a fair number of details to check. β†©οΈŽ