Suppose is an -bimodule. We can then consider the two possible functors corresponding to tensoring with , namely the left tensor product functor and the right tensor product functor . The first can be used as a functor from the category of -bimodules to the category of -bimodules (for any ring ); the latter can be used as a functor from the category of -bimodules to the category of -bimodules (for any ring ). Both functors will have similar properties, so we'll focus on the former.
The tensor product and direct sums
The tensor product commutes with direct sums
Suppose is an -bimodule and is a family of -bimodules. Then there is a unique isomorphism of -bimodules
The tensor product and exact sequences
The tensor product functor is right exact
Let be an -bimodule, and suppose we have a short exact sequence of -bimodules
Then the corresponding sequence of -bimodules
is exact.
Notice that the on the far left of the sequence is gone! We have lost the "left end" of our exact sequence. Because of the above property, we say that the functor is right exact.
Is it ever the case that the functor is exact, in other words sends short exact sequences to short exact sequences?
Definition of a flat module
An -module is flat if for every short exact sequence of -modules
the corresponding sequence of abelian groups is also exact:
Projective modules are flat
Every projective -module is also flat.
In particular, free modules are flat.
Examples of flat modules
The abelian group is projective and hence also flat.
The abelian group is flat.
Any direct sum of flat modules is flat; e.g., the abelian group is flat (but neither injective nor projective).
Examples of non-flat modules
The abelian group is not flat.
The quotient group is not flat (although it is injective).