The Hom-in functor and injective modules

For every object r in a category C, we can consider the "hom-in" functor that is dual to the hom-out functor, that is the functor HomC(βˆ’,r). In general this is a functor from Cop to Set, although just as with the hom-out functor in the case of R-modules we can consider it a functor with values in the category of abelian groups.

We now analyze the properties of this functor, in parallel with those of the hom-out functor.

The hom-in functor and direct products, sums

How does the hom-in functor interact with direct products? At first glance, it seems somewhat differently than the hom-out functor:

The hom-out functor exchanges direct sums for direct products

Suppose D is an R-module and {Na∣a∈A} is a family of R-modules. There is an R-module isomorphism


given by sending a morphism f:⨁a∈ANaβ†’D to the family of morphisms (f∘ia)a∈A, where ia:Na→⨁aβ€²βˆˆANaβ€² is the canonical injection.

Recall that for finite families the direct product and direct sum constructions are isomorphic, so in that case we can replace the direct product with a direct sum. Because of this, we might sometimes say that "the hom-in functor commutes with finite direct sums." The above result is a more honest picture of the general case, though.

This is actually directly analogous to the property for the hom-out functor, once we recall that the hom-in functor is a contravariant functor; i.e., HomR(βˆ’,D):(Rβˆ’Mod)opβ†’Ab. Note that direct products in the category (Rβˆ’Mod)op correspond to direct sums in the category Rβˆ’Mod. So the above isomorphism can be viewed as the statement that the functor HomR(βˆ’,D):(Rβˆ’Mod)opβ†’Ab commutes with direct products in the domain and codomain categories. This is the identical property enjoyed by the functor HomR(D,βˆ’):Rβˆ’Modβ†’Ab.

The hom-in functor and exact sequences

The hom-in functor is left exact

Suppose we have an exact sequence of R-modules


Then the corresponding sequence of abelian groups


is also exact.

More generally, if we have a short exact sequence of R-modules


then the corresponding sequence of abelian groups below is also exact:


Notice that the 0 on the far right of the sequence is gone! We have lost the "right end" of our exact sequence. Because of the above property, we say that the functor HomR(βˆ’,D):Rβˆ’Modβ†’Ab is left exact.

Is it ever the case that the functor HomR(βˆ’,D) is exact, in other words sends short exact sequences to short exact sequences?

Definition of an injective module

An R-module Q is injective if for every short exact sequence of R-modules


the corresponding sequence of abelian groups is also exact:


Here is a nice characterization of injective modules:

Equivalent condition of injective

An R-module Q is injective if and only if whenever Q is a submodule of an R-module M then Q is a direct summand of M.

Here is a nice characterization of injective R-modules when R is a PID:

Injective modules over PIDs

Suppose R is a PID. An R-module Q is injective if and only if rQ=Q for every nonzero r∈R.

In particular, an abelian group is injective if and only if it's divisible.


If R is a PID, then any quotient of an injective R-module is injective.

Examples of injective modules

  1. Every vector space is injective.
  2. The abelian group Q is injective.
  3. The quotient group Q/Z is injective.
  4. Any direct sum of injective Z-modules is injective; e.g., QβŠ•Q/Z is injective.

Examples of non-injective modules

  1. The abelian group Z is not injective.
  2. Any nonzero finitely generated abelian group is not injective.